About Us

Welcome to Market Ready Interiors! We are a staging solutions company providing furniture, lighting and decorative accessories leasing and storage services to home stagers and realtors. 

We saw a need in the market to provide home stagers and Realtors with a place to keep their extra inventory that wasn't an expensive storage unit or their own home. Market Ready Interiors provides home stagers and Realtors the opportunity to become a member, members are allowed to store as many items as can fit in a 10x10 area in our showroom, these items are then entered into our inventory and can be rented to other home stagers and Realtors for use on staging jobs. This enables our members the opportunity to make some extra cash on the rental of their items that are not in use. 

We feel we provide a service to our members that is unique and incredibly beneficial. Not only do members have the opportunity to store their items for less than a storage unit, they have the opportunity to cover the cost of storage AND all of their inventory will be well maintained. 

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